Página:Obras dramáticas de Guillermo Shakespeare - Tomo I (1897).pdf/227

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Had Shakespeare reád Cavendish's Life of Wolsey? By J. I. Robinson.

New facts in the ife of Thomas Nasb. By P. Cunningham.

The Will of Thomas Phaer, the poet and traustator of Virgil. By P. Cuoningham.

Account of an early Italian Poem on the story of Romeo and Juliet. By á Member of the Shakespeare Society.

Some account of the popular Iracts waich composed the library of Captain Cox, á humorist who took part in the Hock Tuesday play performed before Queen Elizabeth at Kenilworth in 1& 75. By Halliwell.

Richard Field (the printer of Sh.kespeare's «Venus and Adonis» and «Lucrece») N. Field, A. Nunday and Ilenry Chettle. By P. Colier.

Three new privy seals for players in the time of Shakespeare. By T. E. Tomlins.

Two additional notes on the piay of Hènry VI. Part II. By Hiss Zoralin.

Extract from á manuscript at Oxford, containing á memorandum of the complaint against beihiek, the Herald who made the grant of arms to Joha Shakespeare. By lalliwell.

Original history of the theatre in Shoreditch and connexion of the Burbage family with it. By P. Collier.

Two specimens of the poetry of Philip Stubbes, author of «The anatomy of abuses,» 1583, and the enemy of theatrical performagces. Unknowa to Bibliographers. By 1. P. Reardon.

The Whitefriars Theatre, the Salisbury Theatre and the Duke's Theatre in Dorset Gardens. By P. Cuopingbam.

The players who aclod in «The Shoemaker's Huliday, 1600. A comedy. By T. Dekker and Robert Wilson. By Dramalicus.

On Norton and Sackvillo, the authors of «Gorbo Duc,» the