Library of the National Congress of Chile Institutional Information.
The Library of the National Congress of Chile is a service institution of the National Congress of Chile, governed by General Constitutional Law 18.918 and supplementary norms. The Library is conceived as an instrument responding to the concerns and needs of the National Congress, specially those regarding the main functions of “citizen representation, legislation and oversight”.
Qur mission, of service to Senators and Representatives, is to create a space for social interaction in which congresspersons and the community can recognize each other in their political and social history, can access information and create links with those who articulate national and global knowledge in the areas of social, political and legislative concerns.
In its role in society, the institution preserves the history —in multiple formats— of the National Congress, especially in the areas of the history of the law and the congressional activities of its members, as well as placing its bibliographic collections at the disposal of Chilean and foreign students and researchers. These functions have made the Library a space of knowledge and understanding of high-priority spheres of social interest for all actors in the country, with emphasis on the social and juridical sciences.
In its congressional role, the Library is dedicated to operate as a relevant tool for congresspersons, accompanying them in the fullfillment of their commitments