general ordering of the entire body of national laws and of the relationships among laws. As a model, he used the National Bulletin as well as the Gazettes of the House and the Senate, together with the identification number and subject matter of all laws and decrees.
Another important achievement of Mr. Ugarte was the Repertory of Chilean Legislation and Jurisprudence, which has been reedited several times and covers most Codes and their complementary laws. The first volume was published in 1953, “On the Civil Code”. The compilers for this edition were Messrs. Ugarte, Antonio Vodanovic, Víctor Loewenwarter and Sergio Insunza.
One of Librarían Ugarte’s favorite projects was the Chilean Encyclopedia, which was to describe all aspects of the country: cultural, historical, biographical, scientific and natural resources. This very ambitious project could not be published because of its elevated cost, its preparation requiring the collaboration of distinguished members of the Chilean intellectual community. When the project was terminated after 22 years of work, in 1971, it contained 120 thousand articles and was more than twenty thousand pages long. The archives, maps, photos and papers gathered for this monumental task are in the Library of National Congress of Chile.
Mr. Ugarte retired in 1969, after a long and rewarding career. He died on February 2001, at the age of 97 years. The Rare and Valuable Book room in the oId Congress Building was named in his honour.
In 1969, Senator Salvador Allende Gossens, was President of the Senate and, as such, President of the Library Committee, the other members of which were the Speaker of the House and the Chief Librarían of the Library of the National Congress. In that capacíty, Senator Allende showed interest in promoting greater integration between the Library, the Parliamentarians and the Legislative Process.
To this end, he created a Special Committee for the Restructuring and Reorganization of the Líbrary of the National Congress, with the participation highly renowned professionals in the fleld of Information and Library sciences. At