Esta documentación está transcluida desde Módulo:Lang/doc.
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Los editores pueden experimentar en la zona de pruebas
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Module description
local p = {} --p stands for package
local getArgs = require('Módulo:Argumentos').obtenerArgumentos
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')
local make_style_string = require('Module:Optional style').make_style_string
Get the appropriate text direction for a language
function p._text_direction(args)
local rtl_langs = {
ar = true, -- Arabic
arc = true, -- Aramaic
dv = true, -- Dhivehi
fa = true, -- Persian
ha = true, -- Hausa
he = true, -- Hebrew
hbo = true, -- Hebrew
khw = true, -- Khowar
ks = true, -- Kashmiri
ku = true, -- Kurdish
['obm-hebr'] = true, -- Moabite
ps = true, -- Pashto
syc = true, -- Syriac
syr = true, -- Syriac
ur = true, -- Urdu
yi = true -- Yiddish
local lang = args.lang
if lang and rtl_langs[lang] then
return 'rtl'
elseif type(lang) == 'string' then
local stripped_lang = mw.text.split(lang, '-')[1]
if rtl_langs[stripped_lang] then
return 'rtl'
return 'ltr'
function p.text_direction(frame)
return p._text_direction(getArgs(frame))
local function make_attribute_string(attr, content)
if attr and content then
return attr .. '="' .. content .. '"'
return ''
Implements [[Template:Lang]] and [[Template:Lang block]]
function p._lang(args)
local lang = args.idioma or args.language or args.lang or args[1] or "es"
local text = args. texto or args.text or args[2] or ""
local inline = yesno(args.inline or "yes")
local font = args.fuente or args.fonts or args.font
local style = args.estilo or args.style
local class = "wst-lang-" .. lang .. " wst-lang " .. (args.clase or args.class or '')
local attr = args.attr or ''
local noclose = yesno(args.noclose or "no")
Define the text direction
local dir = args.direction or args.dir or p._text_direction({['lang'] = lang})
Span or div?
local tag
if inline then
tag = "span"
tag = "div"
Set the attributes.
local attr_table = {
-- language
make_attribute_string('lang', lang),
make_attribute_string('xml:lang', lang),
make_attribute_string('dir', dir),
-- style
make_style_string({['font-family'] = font, ['style'] = style}),
-- class
make_attribute_string('class', class),
-- other attributes
local attr_string = table.concat(attr_table, ' ')
Make the tagged content.
local content = "<" .. tag .. " " .. attr_string .. ">" .. text
if not noclose then
content = content .. "</" .. tag .. ">"
return content
function p.lang(frame)
local args = getArgs(frame)
return p._lang(args)
return p