Autor:William Faulkner

William Falkner
(25 de septiembre de 1897 - 6 de julio de 1962.)
Escritor estadounidense.

Premio Nobel de Literatura en 1949.


Las obras originales de William Faulkner se encuentran, salvo prueba en contrario, en dominio público en aquellos países donde el copyright expira cuando han pasado más de 60 años tras la muerte del autor. Las traducciones o adaptaciones de sus obras pueden no estar en dominio público.

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  • La paga de los soldados, (Soldiers' Pay, 1926)
  • Mosquitos, (Mosquitoes, 1927}
  • Sartoris (1929)
  • El ruido y la furia, (The Sound and the Fury, 1929)
  • Mientras agonizo, (As I Lay Dying, 1930)
  • Santuario, (Sanctuary, 1931)
  • Luz de agosto, (Light in August, 1932)
  • Pilón, (Pylon, 1935)
  • ¡Absalón, Absalón!, (Absalom, Absalom!, 1936)
  • Los invictos, (The Unvanquished, 1938)
  • Las palmeras salvajes, (The wild palms - If I Forget Thee Jerusalem, 1939)
  • El Villorrio, (The Hamlet, 1940)
  • Desciende, Moisés, (Go Down, Moses, 1942)
  • Intruso en el polvo, (Intruder in the Dust, 1948)
  • Requiem por una monja, (Requiem for a Nun, 1951)
  • Una fábula, (A Fable, 1954)
  • La ciudad, (The Town, 1957)
  • La mansión, (The Mansion, 1959)
  • La capa o Los rateros, (The Reivers, 1962)
  • Banderas sobre el polvo (Flags in the Dust, 1973)


  • "Landing in Luck" (1919)
  • "The Hill" (1922)
  • "New Orleans"
  • "Mirrors of Chartres Street" (1925)
  • "Damon and Pythias Unlimited" (1925)
  • "Jealousy" (1925)
  • "Cheest" (1925)
  • "Out of Nazareth" (1925)
  • "The Kingdom of God" (1925)
  • "The Rosary" (1925)
  • "The Cobbler" (1925)
  • "Chance" (1925)
  • "Sunset" (1925)
  • "The Kid Learns" (1925)
  • "The Liar" (1925)
  • "Home" (1925)
  • "Episode" (1925)
  • "Country Mice" (1925)
  • "Yo Ho and Two Bottles of Rum" (1925)
  • "Music - Sweeter than the Angels Sing"
  • "A Rose for Emily" (1930)
  • "Honor" (1930)
  • "Thrift" (1930)
  • "Red Leaves" (1930)
  • "Ad Astra" (1931)
  • "Dry September" (1931)
  • "That Evening Sun" (1931)
  • "Hair" (1931)
  • "Spotted Horses" (1931)
  • "The Hound" (1931)
  • "Fox Hunt" (1931)
  • Carcassonne (1931)
  • "Divorce in Naples" (1931)
  • "Victory" (1931)
  • "All the Dead Pilots" (1931)
  • "Crevasse" (1931)
  • "Mistral" (1931)
  • "A Justice" (1931)
  • "Dr. Martino" (1931)
  • "Idyll in the Desert" (1931)
  • "Miss Zilphia Grant" (1932)
  • "Death Drag" (1932)
  • "Centaur in Brass" (1932)
  • "Once Aboard the Lugger (I)" (1932)
  • "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" (1932)
  • "Turnabout" (1932)
  • "Smoke" (1932)
  • "Mountain Victory" (1932)
  • "There Was a Queen" (1933)
  • "Artist at Home" (1933)
  • "Beyond" (1933)
  • "Elly" (1934)
  • "Pennsylvania Station" (1934)
  • "Wash" (1934)
  • "A Bear Hunt" (1934)
  • "The Leg" (1934)
  • "Black Music" (1934)
  • "Mule in the Yard" (1934)
  • "Ambuscade" (1934)
  • "Retreat" (1934)
  • "Lo!" (1934)
  • "Raid" (1934)
  • "Skirmish at Sartoris" (1935)
  • "Golden Land" (1935)
  • "That Will Be Fine" (1935)
  • "Uncle Willy" (1935)
  • "Lion" (1935)
  • "The Brooch" (1936)
  • "Two Dollar Wife" (1936)
  • "Fool About a Horse" (1936)
  • "The Unvanquished" (1936)
  • "Vendee" (1936)
  • "Monk" (1937)
  • "Barn Burning" (1939)
  • "Hand Upon the Waters" (1939)
  • "A Point of Law" (1940)
  • "The Old People" (1940)
  • "Pantaloon in Black" (1940)
  • "Gold Is Not Always" (1940)
  • "Tomorrow" (1940)
  • "Go Down, Moses" (1941)
  • "The Tall Men" (1941)
  • "Two Soldiers" (1942)
  • "Delta Autumn" (1942)
  • "The Bear" (1942)
  • "Afternoon of a Cow" (1943)
  • "Shingles for the Lord" (1943)
  • "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" (1943)
  • "Shall Not Perish" (1943)
  • "Appendix, Compson, 1699-1945" (1946)
  • "An Error in Chemistry" (1946)
  • "A Courtship" (1948)
  • "Knight's Gambit" (1949)
  • "A Name for the City" (1950)
  • "Notes on a Horsethief" (1951)
  • "Mississippi" (1954)
  • "Sepulture South: Gaslight" (1954)
  • "Race at Morning" (1955)
  • "By the People" (1955)
  • "Hell Creek Crossing" (1962)
  • "Mr. Acarius" (1965)
  • "The Wishing Tree" (1967)
  • "Al Jackson" (1971)
  • "And Now What's To Do" (1973)
  • "Nympholepsy" (1973)
  • "The Priest" (1976)
  • "Mayday" (1977)
  • "Frankie and Johnny" (1978)
  • "Don Giovanni" (1979)
  • "Peter" (1979)
  • "A Portrait of Elmer" (1979)
  • "Adolescence" (1979)
  • "Snow" (1979)
  • "Moonlight" (1979)
  • "With Caution and Dispatch" (1979)
  • "Hog Pawn" (1979)
  • "A Dangerous Man" (1979)
  • "A Return" (1979)
  • "The Big Shot" (1979)
  • "Once Aboard the Lugger (II)" (1979)
  • "Dull Tale" (1979)
  • "Evangeline" (1979)
  • "Love" (1988)
  • "Christmas Tree" (1995)
  • "Rose of Lebanon" (1995)
  • "Lucas Beauchamp" (1999)

Colecciones de poesía

  • Vision in Spring (1921)
  • The Marble Faun (1924)
  • This Earth, a Poem (1932)
  • A Green Bough (1965)
  • Mississippi Poems (1979)
  • Helen, a Courtship and Mississippi Poems (1981)

Guiones para cine

  • Today We Live ("Vivamos hoy", 1933)
  • The Road to Glory (íd., 1936)
  • Slave Ship (1937)
  • Gunga Din (íd., 1939)
  • To Have and Have Not ("Tener y no tener", 1944)
  • The Southerner ("El hombre del sur", 1945)
  • The Big Sleep ("El sueño eterno", 1946)
  • Land of the Pharaohs ("Tierra de faraones", 1955)